Cryptocurrency prices

The value of cryptocurrencies in real time and how to buy

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How to buy Cryptocurrencies?

Sign up

Create your account to start your journey to the crypto world.

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Paso a paso sobre cómo comprar criptomonedas

Fund your account by bank transfer or cash.

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Buy crypto

Access bitcoins and other digital assets in a few easy steps.

Monedero o biletera que representa proceso de introducir criptoactivos en tu cuenta.
Gestiona tus fondos

Save and send your crypto or withdraw your funds whenever you want.

Imagen que representa el proceso de gestionar tus fondos.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cryptocurrencies

What is a cryptocurrency?

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A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses blockchain technology to guarantee secure transactions without intermediaries. They allow transferring value and storing money in a decentralized way, without the intervention of institutions. These currencies are protected by cryptography, which makes them secure and difficult to breach, facilitating their use in both crypto communities and traditional markets.

How do cryptocurrencies work?

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Cryptocurrencies use blockchain technology, which organizes information into linked blocks. Each block has a unique identifier that changes if the information is altered, which helps to detect manipulations. This technology allows transactions to be carried out securely and without intermediaries.

What is the difference between a cryptocurrency and a token?

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Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that operate on proprietary blockchain networks, such as Bitcoin on its own blockchain and Ether on Ethereum. In contrast, tokens do not have a network of their own; they are created on existing blockchains, such as ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens on Ethereum. Tokens can represent assets, goods or participation in digital communities and have a variety of utilities.

How to buy cryptocurrencies safely?

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Para comprar criptomonedas puedes usar tu Cripto App de Ripio. Primero, crea tu cuenta, ingresa y deposita saldo. Una vez que tengas saldo, podrás comprar criptomonedas fácilmente.
To purchase, select the cryptocurrency you want (such as Bitcoin, UXD, or altcoins) in your wallet and choose the amount. After accepting the purchase conditions and confirming the transaction, your cryptocurrencies will be credited within minutes.