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*Comprando ahora 1 BTC, tu ganancia sería de 28.901.582,16 ARS si alcanzara nuevamente su ATH.
*Comprando ahora 1 BTC, tu ganancia sería de 28.901.582,16 ARS si alcanzara nuevamente su ATH.
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Uniswap is a popular decentralized trading protocol that facilitates exchange of cryptocurrencies and tokens.
Leer másLeading the LATAM Crypto Ecosystem
Operation in 8 countries
10M users reached
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See moreA blockchain service that since 2018 has allowed the creation of automated markets for ERC-20 tokens. This means that at any time you can take your DAI and convert them to ETH or grab LINK and transfer them to USDC.
Just as you can carry your crypto and exchange them on Uniswap (also known as “swap” or “swap”), so can the rest of the ecosystem. Even large projects with a large number of tokens to exchange. That's why Uniswap needs to be able to respond to that demand so that anyone can exchange their cryptocurrencies. In other words, it has to be able to “provide liquidity” to the ecosystem. Keep in mind that there are more than 400,000 different ERC-20 tokens running on Ethereum.
Its own token, better known as UNI, is currently one of the 10 most important in the market.
Every time new ETH or ERC-20 tokens are contributed to a Uniswap liquidity pool, the taxpayer obtains a token that indicates their participation in the pool. In this way, UNI worked and works as a reward system for those who contribute to pools and those who provide decentralized financial services via Uniswap.
¡That's right! UNI are also ERC-20 tokens that work on the Ethereum network, and as such they can be treasured, used to transfer value, used to reinvest in the DeFi ecosystem or traded on exchanges.